July 2021 From the President, Cathy Hester

Summer 2021 is upon us and very definitely looks different than summer 2020. Most of us are on the move once again and thankfully so. I look forward to serving as your President alongside President Elect Peter Schifrin Secretary/Treasurer John Henderson, Immediate Past President Joel Moore, and Executive Director Sheri Csom.  Thank you, Dave Hausch, for your service on the board and all you have done and continue to do for the association, job well done, you are appreciated.

I look to the future, as we all anticipate our 2021 to 2022 NAIIA year and reconnect in September for our conference in Hilton Head, SC. What a joyous time that will be, to hug and see in person our friends, absent the Zoom computer screen. During 2019 to 2021 your officers held their positions and along with the RVPs and Sheri Csom worked hard to continue the goals of NAIIA; to promote the brand and in doing so promoting each one of NAIIA’s member firms, while giving members value for their membership, along with continuing to grow the association. These efforts will continue during my term as president. A lot was accomplished remotely. We completed the new website which includes the newly created Membership Management system. We are now able to offer members health insurance benefits. Appraisal/Umpire classes were completed for all 5 regions with one being added at our conference in Hilton Head. There is still time to register for this. There is so much more in the works so stay tuned.

Reflecting on my past, I think about how I got to this station of my career and the many, many people that helped me along the way, NAIIA members being a big part of my past. Your friendship means the world to me, NAIIA is an important part of my life. I have personally talked with and met so many of our NAIIA members and formed invaluable friendships along the way. Please if we have not met, reach out to me, I look forward to seeing and talking to as many of our members as I can this next year. I very much welcome serving as your 2021-2022 President as we Reconnect, Promote, and Grow NAIIA. Thank you! See you all in Hilton Head in September!


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