Membership Standards

All National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters Members have met the following standards:

  1. A regular (full) membership’s sole proprietor or at least one of its partners or corporate officers must have five years of adjusting experience and three years of experience in an ownership and/or official capacity. Sole proprietors, partners and corporate officers must be ACTIVELY involved in their adjusting operations.
  2. Provisional members must meet all of NAIIA’s regular membership requirements except for being in business at least for three years under current ownership; they must be in business for at least one year with five years of adjusting experience acquired by its sole proprietor or at least one partner or corporate officer. When provisional members become eligible for regular (full) membership, they must refile an application and be reprocessed.
  3. Each member must be a full time insurance claim/loss adjusting organization with the principal purpose to serve the claim/loss needs of insurance carriers and self-insureds.
  4. Member firms must maintain a business office that must be accessible to visitors during normal business hours.
  5. Must be licensed in the jurisdiction covered where such licensing is required.
  6. Adhere to Code of Ethics and Constitution and Bylaws of NAIIA.
  7. Pay annual dues.
  8. Pass strict membership (credentials) committee and peer review.


NAIIA was organized because of a principle… that a successful industry requires independent professionals interested also in the welfare of their individual communities. As this is continually recognized by companies which we serve, it will eventually inure to the benefit of all ethical and competent claim personnel. We appreciate our clients’ use of our services, and we gladly accept applications of adjusting entities who meet our standards.