Dear Members,
Summer is upon us and the high temperatures are a good indication we will have a scorcher of a summer. Better heat than cold, I always say!
What a great conference in Tucson! Enjoy the many photos on our blog. Thank you to all the members who attended, and we missed the members that were not able to attend. We hope to see you next year in beautiful Cape Coral, FL. Thank you to all the sponsors and vendors! Year after year you come through for the NAIIA and we recognize you and value our business relationship with you all. Thank you to our Education Committee who did another fantastic job with speakers, educational opportunities and lively round table discussions. And to our Naitonal Advisory Council – you guys rock!
Every successful association has an executive board and NAIIA is no exception. Your board survived through COVID with extended terms of office, giving valuable assistance to members through it all. During my year we did continue to reconnect with many, promoted our great association and through it all, made great strides to grow our association. Thank you Joel Moore, Peter Schifrin, John Henderson and Sheri and Mike Csom, for making my year so enjoyable. It went by fast! To our RVPs, I thank you all for stepping up and representing your regions so well through difficult times. As I take my seat on the board as Immediate Past President we welcome to the board Bill Schulenberg, our new Secretary/Treasurer. Roll Tide, Mr. Schulenberg! I by no means will be sinking into the sunset but will continue to be available as needed, working with this board to represent all members and member firms of the NAIIA. Thank you for the opportunity to serve this great association. Peter Schifrin will serve this association well and I look forward to the 2022-2023 year!!
This newsletter is chock full of useful information so take a look and let us know if you have anything you would like to contribute, for the next newsletter. We love your fresh copy to share with all members. So, showcase your company in the next newsletter by sending us something to publish. In this issue you will hear from 4 Tucson first time conference attendees who loved their first-time experience.
Make plans early to attend the next conference in beautiful Cape Coral, FL and stay tuned for more information on the conference in future newsletters. In closing, thank you for the opportunity to serve you this past year. It has been my utmost pleasure to be the 2021 – 2022 NAIIA President!

Cathy Hester, 2021-2022 NAIIA President