From the 2022-2023 President, Peter Schifrin

It is with honor and excitement that I start my year as the 83rd President of the NAIIA.

I am a second-generation adjuster. My father, Leslie, did not see tremendous value in NAIIA. I believe he, like some others, thought it made no sense to spend time with one’s competitors. My experience has been completely the opposite. Since I first dipped my toe into the NAIIA by attending a regional meeting I have been greeted with warmth and comradery. I have developed business relationships and more importantly friendships. What is better than getting to spend time and learn and grow with others who understand the challenges of your daily business life?

The question comes up regularly as to the value of the NAIIA for each member. While it is different depending on each member’s circumstances, there is one thing I am sure of, and it is my theme for the year: “You Get Out of It What You Put into It”. If you as a member sit on the sidelines, do not attend any meetings, do not get involved with any committees, and expect lots of good things to happen, you will probably be disappointed. But if you get involved, attend events, meet people, do things, I am certain good things will happen for you and your firm. Like any incoming President I hope to contribute to the ongoing success of the NAIIA. I have some initial objectives that you will see come to fruition during my year:

  1. The NAIIA can do a better job interacting with exhibitors and sponsors for regional and annual meetings, as well as making choices to exhibit or sponsor at events. I have started a Sponsorship and Exhibits Committee. Past-President Peter Crosa has agreed to chair the Committee and he will be reaching out to add committee members. Do not hesitate to contact him with any ideas.
  2. The process of nominating and electing the next national officer is a bit cumbersome and I have asked the Bylaws Committee to look at a proposed solution. Also, to update the Bylaws so we can vote electronically.
  3. Any organization should be looking for its future leaders. I have started a Young Members Committee. Lauren Marsh has agreed to chair the Committee and she will be reaching out to add committee members. Look for the YMC to do something in Cape Coral next May. Contact Lauren if you want to be a part of this new committee.
  4. We can make Regional and Annual Meetings must attend events. A big plus for 2023 is the roofing certification class that will be a part of the Regional meeting agendas. That roofing class is being prepared by Past-President Joel Moore and member John Killough.
  5. Several of our members have been asking that we survey the membership to make sure we have current information. Mitch Whitman and Mark Davis have agreed to tackle this task and expect to see the first survey sent to you by your RVP sometime soon.

I want to recognize the accomplishments of Cathy Hester during her term as President, the years before she served on the Executive Board (including the COVID bonus year we all received) and her continued service as Immediate Past President and Chair of the Marketing Committee. Cathy is awesome.

I also want to recognize the gentlemen who will follow me as President, John Henderson, who is our President-Elect, and Bill Schulenberg, who just took the reins as Secretary-Treasurer. I know they both hope I do not set us back too far before they take over.

We have a great group of RVP’s, including Chris Koning, Rock Phillips, Maggie Moss-Hufstedler, Mark Davis, and Todd Mahoney. Each is in the process of planning their next regional meeting, and I look forward to attending and seeing all of you (many of you) at those meetings.

I am always available for any questions or comments or if you just want to say hello.


NAIIA National Officers - Peter Schifrin Secretary/Treasurer

Peter Schifrin
2022-2023 NAIIA President


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